A fast and accurate summary of the latest health evidence

Evidence Check

An Evidence Check is a fast and accurate summary of the latest health evidence, on your specific issue, presented succinctly in a professional format. Our team of experts can help answer your policy, program or health services questions with the most relevant evidence drawn from peer-reviewed research and government and other reports.

Why commission an Evidence Check?

Evidence Checks are ideal for informing the development or revision of policies or programs, providing evidence to support funding decisions, and revealing gaps in the current evidence. They can also support communications of evidence to other stakeholders.

What are the options?

We offer two types of evidence reviews. The type you choose will depend on your purpose, time frame and budget.

Evidence Check

A detailed analysis of relevant literature to address specific questions.

Report length: 30-50 pages

Preparation time: 3-4 months


  • Executive summary
  • High-level summary of key findings
  • Detailed analysis of included papers
  • Summary of individual papers
  • Data extraction tables for peer-reviewed literature
  • Data extraction tables for grey literature
  • Quality appraisal of included peer-reviewed papers
  • Synthesis of included papers
  • Analysis of findings
  • Implications for policy or practice (if required)

Evidence Snapshot

A rapid review of the most relevant high-level literature to address one question.

Report length: 3-5 pages

Preparation time: 2-3 weeks


  • High-level summary of key findings
  • Data extraction table for peer-reviewed literature 
  • Summary table for grey literature


  • Detailed analysis of included papers
  • Quality assessment of included papers
  • Summary of individual papers
  • Synthesis of individual papers
  • Analysis of findings
  • Implications for policy or practice 
  • Incorporation of agency feedback
  • Professional editing.

Feel free to contact us if you have more specific needs as we may be able to offer a tailored solution.

Join Radar to work with health policy makers on creating rapid reviews

Join our researcher database, Radar, to be notified of opportunities for researchers to work with health policy makers and see current expressions of interest.

Contact us

To begin working with us or to discuss your research needs, please
contact us at evidence.connect@saxinstitute.org.au

Our Evidence Check was brilliantly executed by the Sax Institute in terms of being timely, thorough, and targeted. We were really happy with the work and have since used it very extensively.

Bureau of Health Information, NSW