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The Sax Institute offers opportunities for researchers to work with health policy makers in a number of ways. These include commissioning rapid reviews, and bringing researchers and policy makers together to collaborate, innovate and exchange ideas through different forums.

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Seeking expressions of interest from researchers

Current expressions of interest are posted below and emailed to our Radar database which you can join below.

The Sax Institute is commissioning an Evidence Check on suicide postvention and bereavement support services.

The purpose of this Evidence Check is to achieve an understanding of effective service models for postvention, bereavement and critical incident support. The review will be used as a basis to map the existing postvention, bereavement and critical incident support service system to make it best practice and then co-design a service model, oversight, and response mechanisms for postvention, bereavement, and other relevant critical incidents for trial in Tasmania.

Expressions of interest close at 5pm 23 June 2024.

The review will address the following question:

  • Which suicide postvention service models have been shown to be effective in reducing distress in family, friends and communities following a suicide?

A draft (complete) report is required by 15 August 2024 and the final report by 17 September 2024.   

If you would like a copy of the project proposal, please contact by email: Please use ‘EOI: 24-TasDOH-11 Postvention’ in the subject line.

Please feel free to circulate this opportunity to those who may be interested in this topic.

Learn more about Evidence Check